About Me

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This site was created to share my cross stitch and book addiction with others. I enjoy crafts a lot and spend alot of time working them; Love to read and lose myself in a good book. I am mother to an 19 year old (wow) and two boxers. I am a Certified Professional Coder who works full time; Currently President for my local professional chapter; Going to college part-time, well 10 credit hours this quarter. I keep very busy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring is Coming...

I'm sitting here with my front door open looking out at the woodpecker on the Peanut Feeder my mother made to greater enhance my love of watching the birds. My eyes are tired but I am enjoying the quiet while I have it.
I just added my Shelfari bookshelf to the blog, since I find myself spending a lot of time absorbing books as of late. I just picked up River Marked when I got off work Friday and finished it this afternoon, with 4 more books lined up and waiting for me to pick them up. I am really enjoying all the reading I have been getting in as of late. I completed 100 books last year. My goal this year is to at least break that total. I am well on my way sitting at 27 as of today. I have the 4 paper books waiting for my attention, but yet another 8 waiting in the wings on audio book. Audio book is a pretty nifty little convenience that I didn't think that I would really like and have avoided for quite a long time. I am glad I got over myself! What a wonderful thing to be able to multitask, cross stitching and yet losing myself in the realm of whatever novel is being smoothly read to me. Ahhh, how I remember the days when I would pop in a movie I had seen a bi gillion times just so my mind would be occupied as I worked on my craft, not needing to look at the screen to know exactly what was happening. My Cross Stitch Movies I lovingly named them. Now with the expansion of my acceptance to audio books, I have a fresh and new way to tend to my love of books, yet love of cross stitch, and the ability to multitask them both.
Finals week is over and so the weight of exams has left my shoulders. A very short break will grace me before I start another quarter carrying two classes. I can however look beyond that to the next quarter where I will finally get to take an entire quarter off, which I have to say is well overdue. I have been going 6 quarter straight and am in need of.... a brain break.
Coming soon is the Coding Conference that I will get to enjoy in Long Beach California. It will be my first time to the State but I am ready for the warmth after the Ohio weather we have gotten to enjoy.
I picked up one of my larger cross stitch pieces again. It had been sitting for about a year now since frustration overwhelmed me and I thought it wise to put it out of my sight before I could no longer contain the notion to scrap the whole project. Working on it for the past 3 months now and I have to say, I'm glad I had the forethought to do that. It is turning out to be a pretty nice piece that I will be proud to display. As is the way of many of my larger cross stitch projects. It is of a Tree Peony in the same color scheme as the Rose project posted here on the blog. The water droplets are really starting to pop.
Ok, so I am off to listen to my awaiting audio book and start back on my Peony. Lets see how far I get tonight.