About Me

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This site was created to share my cross stitch and book addiction with others. I enjoy crafts a lot and spend alot of time working them; Love to read and lose myself in a good book. I am mother to an 19 year old (wow) and two boxers. I am a Certified Professional Coder who works full time; Currently President for my local professional chapter; Going to college part-time, well 10 credit hours this quarter. I keep very busy.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Have you read this book?
I watched the movie and fell in love with it. I didn't even know there was a book out. As soon as I found out I was at the library. I just finished it a week ago and I will have to say it was much better than the movie. I dont normally read a book once I have seen the movie, my bad. This book captivated me, the pages couldnt turn fast enough, I cursed my slow reading skills. If you get the chance, take this novel out for a spin and dont let the thickness of the book scare you, its worth it, and it goes quickly.

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