About Me

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This site was created to share my cross stitch and book addiction with others. I enjoy crafts a lot and spend alot of time working them; Love to read and lose myself in a good book. I am mother to an 19 year old (wow) and two boxers. I am a Certified Professional Coder who works full time; Currently President for my local professional chapter; Going to college part-time, well 10 credit hours this quarter. I keep very busy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I've been keeping busy...

I have been keeping very busy... I have been concentrating on my Christmas ornament cross stitches. I make ornaments for each of my co-workers. 12 total are needed, I have 4 completed. I found a cute pattern for a bookmark of cariole crayons. I liked it so much I have made more than one. I plan on making some bookmarks for the Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital donation... in my spare time ~giggles~

I went to the National AAPC Coding Conference in Jacksonville Florida. I had a great time and enjoyed all the sessions I was able to partake. Although I got a cold, I made it through. We next drove to North Carolina to the Outer banks. Where I of course forgot to put sunscreen on the top of my feet and accomplished obtaining a second degree burn with blisters. When I do it, I do it good! I’m still healing, but I can wear shoes now! Vacation was exhausting...

Classes start back up for Summer Quarter Friday. I’m taking an accounting course, one of those prerequisites to get started in my program of study. After last quarter, I'm happy to report, my GPA hit a 3.56

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love cross stitch QOTD...

Which project are you most proud of?
This would have to be the rose with a butterfly cross stitch I finished. It is the one I'm most proud of for a couple reasons... It frustrated me so many times I had to keep walking away from it, so the fact I finished it was an accomplishment in and of itself. It was also the first project I have done for myself. It was completed in 2000, and for the 10+ years of cross stitching prior to that, I had spent it making items for everyone else. Friends, family, anyone... I saw this pattern book and fell in love with this design. I have since completed 3 of the 4 flower designs in the book. The latest one is posted below... I will have to take a photo of the other one I finished, I see it on my wall, but nothing electronically I can post. Hmmm.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Have you read this book?
I watched the movie and fell in love with it. I didn't even know there was a book out. As soon as I found out I was at the library. I just finished it a week ago and I will have to say it was much better than the movie. I dont normally read a book once I have seen the movie, my bad. This book captivated me, the pages couldnt turn fast enough, I cursed my slow reading skills. If you get the chance, take this novel out for a spin and dont let the thickness of the book scare you, its worth it, and it goes quickly.


I finished this one near the end of 2009.


Im not sure about this whole blog thing.. But seemed a good way to at least showcase/post my cross stitch projects as I finish them. I havent worked on alot lately, but I plan to get back at it soon. I suppose I will also post pictures of my boxers as they are too cute not to at least show now and then. I have been doing alot of reading, so to mention books I have read would probably be a good thing too. Right now Im in Theatre and Don Juan (general education courses, suppose to add culture to my life and required by my Major) phft. Im not sure I am liking them yet. I dont know much about plays, but I am going to be reading alot of them it seems. But alas this will take me from my entertainment reading material. (Although I am slipping in Eldest by Christopher Paolini). I guess we will see where this new blogging adventure takes me.. Maybe I just delete it after a year and I find no worth in it???